The Twilight's PeakTRAVELLER

Imperial Library Search Results

Number of like terms found for Sternmetal Horizons, LIC: 1

Sternmetal Horizons, LIC

Sternmetal is primarily engaged in mining operations and manufacturing. It produces mostly power generation equipment of all types including power plants for starships, air and ground vehicles, cities, and industrial installations. Additionally, Sternmetal is the largest manufacturer of food synthesis equipment in the Imperium. In the Spinward Marches, Sternmetal runs a low key operation, and is best known for supplying galley equipment to the sector's smaller ship builders. Various Sternmetal divisions trade under other names, and many individuals are unaware of how often they use Sternmetal's products. The aim of this policy appears simply to reach as many markets as possible with their fundamental trade goods. Stock Ownership: Imperial family- 2%, Hortalez et Cie- 29%, Investment trusts- 32%, Noble families- 18%, Antares Holdings, LIC- 19%.